Stakeholder governance - A call to review directors’ duties
This new paper outlines the evolving corporate governance landscape in relation to stakeholders.
Key resources to help directors address climate change as part of their strategic decision making to ensure a sustainable future.
This new paper outlines the evolving corporate governance landscape in relation to stakeholders.
The toolkit is produced by the The Chancery Lane Project, a collaboration of lawyers and sustainability professionals working pro bono to provide clauses and tools to align agreements with net zero outcomes.
The Climate Governance Initiative (CGI) has produced a summary of each of the IPCC Working Group reports, focusing on key insights and applications for directors.
Boards have a critical role in confronting and responding to climate-related issues to ensure the long-term sustainability of their organisations and to reduce their impact on the environment.
Join the New Zealand community of non-executive directors, committed to making climate change a boardroom priority.