Climate scenario analysis
Understanding the role of the director in the development, analysis and review of climate scenarios.
Key resources to help directors address climate change as part of their strategic decision making to ensure a sustainable future.
Understanding the role of the director in the development, analysis and review of climate scenarios.
Key questions for board directors related to the proposed US SEC climate disclosure rule.
This guide explores how organisations, guided by their Chairs and board members, can earn and enhance trust through the sustainability transition.
This report helps to redefine the debate around climate action. It shows that efforts to limit climate change, and achieve net zero emissions by 2050, are opportunities for growth instead of costs.
Guide to help chairs ensure that board members understand the risks and opportunities to successfully - and responsibly - steward the business through the transition.
New guide lays out what the new climate disclosure regime means for directors and offers checklists of questions directors can ask to get ahead of the curve in the transition to a low carbon economy.
This Primer provides an overview of contemporary evidence that climate change presents foreseeable, and in many cases material, financial and systemic risks that affect corporations and their investors.
Guide to helps boards establish and continuously improve their oversight of risk and opportunity as the impacts of climate change continue to evolve.
This report by the World Economic Forum (WEF), presents the nine fundamental principles of effective climate governance.
The Climate Governance Initiative (CGI) has produced a summary of each of the IPCC Working Group reports, focusing on key insights and applications for directors.
Boards have a critical role in confronting and responding to climate-related issues to ensure the long-term sustainability of their organisations and to reduce their impact on the environment.
Join the New Zealand community of non-executive directors, committed to making climate change a boardroom priority.