Measuring climate governance impacts

Publish date
13 Aug 2024
Reading time
4 mins

The Institute of Directors is pleased to present the second Chapter Zero New Zealand Impact Report, highlighting some of the achievements of the climate governance initiative. 

This latest Impact Report was prepared with the support of The Ākina Foundation who developed our impact model.

Our activities primarily focus on influencing and informing individual directors, who can then take that knowledge and influence to their boards. Boards are then empowered to influence their organisations from a position of understanding the challenges and potential solutions.

Our supporters are committed to ensuring their organisations are fit for the future and that global net-zero ambitions are transformed into robust plans and measurable action. 

We do this by working towards three strategic goals: 

  1. New Zealand directors are developing the key competencies required to ensure their boards make climate-smart decisions
  2. Chapter Zero NZ is connecting and engaging the director community
  3. Chapter Zero NZ is a valued partner in the climate governance ecosystem

The report acknowledges both our achievements and the areas in which we can do better in meeting these goals. It also includes a snapshot of the Climate Governance Initiative global impact survey alongside insights from the Chapter Zero NZ pulse survey and Director Sentiment Survey trend data. 

Supporting and upskilling directors to improve climate governance forms a key part of the overall success of New Zealand’s climate response.  

We are grateful for the ongoing assistance and expertise of our Steering Committee, Foundation Partners, Working Group, supporters and technical advisors, as well as the broader Climate Governance Initiative network. We would not have achieved the outcomes we have without them.