Where do we start? Climate governance workshop for directors | Invercargill

The Chapter Zero NZ Board Toolkit centres on a simple five-step approach designed to enable boards and directors to take timely, positive and decisive climate action within their organisations.

In this session, you will receive a comprehensive overview of the Board Toolkit, and have the opportunity to hear from a local director, about their ongoing climate change journey, including valuable insights and lessons learned so far.

You will leave equipped with a practical action plan to help your board get started. We encourage you to bring other members of your board along to get the discussion going before you even leave the room.

We welcome members of our partners Southland Business Chamber and Great South to register for the IoD member price by using the promo-code BECH45CG24 at the payment screen.


Judene Edgar


Judene is a Senior Governance Adviser with the Institute of Directors’ Governance Leadership Centre providing best practice advice, guidance and advocacy for directors. She is also a trustee of the Rātā Foundation and Network Tasman Trust, and Chair of the Nelson Historic Theatre Trust.

The IoD are the New Zealand hosts of Chapter Zero leading and supporting a range of projects including the Board Toolkit, Scenarios Analysis and Board Structures resources. Prior to joining the IoD she ran her own consultancy for over 20 years specialising in governance, policy, strategy and communications working across a wide range of sectors, including housing, health, sport, not-for-profit and infrastructure.

She was a local government elected member for 12 years and a director on a range of public entity boards. She has a background in behavioural science and communications and is a Chartered Member of the IoD.